A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Foraenger is an adventure-style game that combines your time outside with exploring the colorful and unique forest with lots of secrets to discover within your digital environment!

There is only one way to reveal the forest, hidden in plain sight: venture into a real forest and on an exciting treasure hunt and bring back evidence of your walk to fill out the scrapbook! And who knows what you will find in this mystical land of purple: a friendly fox or something far more sinister… 


WASD/arrow keys for walking 

Space to jump

L to open list,

P to pick up items,

I to open inventory,

 X to open scrapbook


Main programmer — https://itch.io/profile/dbzzz13

Second programmer & 3D modeling — https://itch.io/profile/littlewabits

UI design  & 3D modeling — https://itch.io/profile/outleg

3D modelling & sound design — https://kid-of-yesterday.itch.io/

3D-modelling & additional game design — https://itch.io/profile/electrife

Project manager, game design & minor 3D modeling — https://lilunian.itch.io/


Foraeger_grayBoX_Build.app.zip 45 MB

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